The first season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Kounosuke UdaThe season is adapted from the first twelve volumes of the manga by Eiichiro Oda and aired on Fuji Television from through , totaling 61 episodes The first season depicts the exploits of the pirate captain Monkey D Luffy and as he gathers hisKuro one piece In the 4th Japanese fan poll, Kuro is ranked the 29th most popular character in One Piece To date, Kuro is one of the three major antagonists from the Super Rookies saga (the others being Krieg and Foxy ) to have no canonical roles outside of his debut arc;クロ&ジャンゴ クロネコ海賊団の船長達 クロネコ海賊団の前船長と現船長。 クロは計画が乱れる事を許さない。 ジャンゴを含むクロネコ海賊団は、計画を乱し殺される恐怖に怯えながらクロの命令に従っている。 敵全体にキャラの攻撃×96倍の無属性 ワンピース 灼死の再来 百計のクロの再登場はあるか バトワン One piece 黒ひげ